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Djevojčica (5) prozvana debelom i masnom, ali njen odgovor sve je ušutkao

Djevojčica i njena majka
Foto: Instagram
u 10:40

Kad djevojčice u ranoj dobi budu prozvane zbog debljine, uobičajeno je da došeću do svojih majki plačući...

Kad djevojčice u ranoj dobi budu prozvane zbog debljine, uobičajeno je da došeću do svojih majki plačući.


•My daughter told me that someone called her fat today.• ____________________ Cambelle: "Mama I need to tell you something" Me: "Okay baby, what's up?"" C: "Yesterday at practice my shirt came up a little bit and my tummy was showing. The girl next to me looked at me and said that my tummy was fat." >>Insert immediate mama bear reaction in my head's internal dialogue "Oh no, here we go" I thought to myself<<, but I said: "Oh really? And what did you say to her?" C: "I told her that I'm not fat, I HAVE fat. And that everybody has fat. And I told her it's okay to have fat." >>Insert happy dance parenting win<<: "Wow Cambelle! I am SO proud of you for the way you handled that situation. Fat is not a bad word, I don't think she was trying to hurt your feelings. It was so brave of you to help her understand that all people have fat, but that no one IS fat. And that it doesn't make you a bad person if you have more or less of it. Did she have anything to say?" C: "She just said 'oh, okay'" >>I couldn't believe that my 5 year old daughter had been able to handle a situation with more grace than most 30 year olds.<< C: "Remember that time I told you that you were fat?" Me: "Yes baby, I do." C: "I'm sorry I did that" Me: "Its' okay baby, the most important thing is that you learned and now you can teach others and help change the world" ________________ Children aren't born with hate inside them. They learn words from their environments and the things they see/hear, and they try them on for size. I can't prepare my daughter for all of life's situations, but I can help her to be a voice of compassion, humility and love. •And to anyone that will undoubtedly say that this is "promoting obesity," please understand that preventing childhood bullying before it can even start is not a matter of weight, but of character.• Just do you babes Xoxo Allie & Cambelle

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No to nije bio slučaj s petogodišnjom kćeri Allison Kimmey, 30-godišnjakinje koja ima razloga biti ponosna na svoju kćer.

Naime, kako je napisala na Instagramu, njezinu kćer Cambelle zadirkivali su da je ''masna''.

No ona im je odgovorila na svoj način, rekavši: ''Nisam masna, imam masno tkivo. Svi mi imamo masno tkivo''.

– Rekla sam svojoj kćeri da je u redu imati masti – priča Allison. Djevojčica je na to jednostavno odvratila: ''Aha, u redu.''

Ključne riječi

Komentara 10

SI aka SI
11:07 01.09.2017.

u doba političke korektnosti, još će ispasti da je gospođa zdravo "građena", a mi koji nemamo viška masnog tkiva ih diskriminiramo. Ja tu jedino vidim jednu pretilu osobu koja samu sebe laže, pa je usput i dijete ugojila.

11:00 01.09.2017.

budućnost: dijabetis, visoki tlak, masnoće u krvi... a onda borba za goli život.

11:00 01.09.2017.

Da, ali one ga imaju nezdravo previse.

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