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Nevjerojatna transformacija: Izgubila čak 35 kilograma i sada izgleda fenomenalno

u 08:20

Prakticirajući isključivo vegansku prehranu i naporne vježbe, korisnica Instagrama Hannah sa svoja 102 kilograma došla je na samo 65, a njezina fantastična fotografija transformacije prije i poslije donijela joj je više od 69.000 sljedbenika.

Žena koja je izgubila 35 kilograma ponosno pokazuje svoju nevjerojatnu fizičku transformaciju nakon godina i godina raznih dijeta s jo-jo efektom i borbe s poremećajem prehrane, prenosi DailyMail

Prakticirajući isključivo vegansku prehranu i naporne vježbe, korisnica Instagrama Hannah sa svoja 102 kilograma došla je na samo 65, a njezina fantastična fotografija transformacije prije i poslije donijela joj je više od 69.000 sljedbenika.


🤗 HELLO & WELCOME 🙏🏽 _ The last 48hrs has been a whirlwind in terms of engagement on my page.. on Thursday eve a popular account shared my photos & I’ve had an obscene amount of interest shown in both my page & my inbox 🙊 (!) so I thought I’d start from the top with a before & after snap & fit as much info about me & my journey as poss into an insta caption! _ My transformation has taken me 10yrs, I started journey in 2008 w Weight Watchers.. I lost 3.5st, went on holiday & was too scared to return so back on went the weight! I then did a whole host of unsustainable, unfulfilling & unhealthy diets: 5.2, Atkins, Juice+, 10 day fast, ALL SORTS! None kept the weight off bc I was so unhappy whilst doing them! _ I stared exercising @ a local guild hall, 1-2 aerobics classes per week, I LOVED IT! It made me feel amazing! I started to lose a little weight & then my 7yr relationship broke down.. I’d lost control over my life & all I could control was my body & I became very unwell.. I developed an eating disorder; Atypical Bulimia ~ I would restrict my food intake all day & then when I ate I threw it up as well as taking 10 laxative tablets a day. I sought help & underwent 18 months of weekly CBT sessions. I’d managed to find a healthy maintenance weight during this time & it was then that I decided to join a gym! _ My Papa is my hero, he is everything. He has been bodybuilding since I can remember & only last year did he compete & come 5th in the PCA British Finals. He taught me everything I know in the gym.. training splits, compound lifts, isolation exercises, reps, sets & most importantly.. Confidence. Confidence in myself as a young woman to walk into any weights area in any gym, to be surrounded by men & know what to do & that has been invaluable ❤️ I owe it all to him! - I fell head over heels in love w the gym, training & eating SO great.. transforming my whole life to be the healthiest & happiest I had ever been 🌍 that was 4yrs ago & here I am today.. _ I pinky promise that I will get back to ALL msgs, just bare with me 😘 in the mean time PLS stick around bc I have SO much more to give 🌱 it feels so great to have you all here, THANK YOU!

Objavu dijeli @ hannah_tracks

U svom postu Hannah (29) je otvorila dušu svojim sljedbenicima govoreći o gubitku težine. 

– Za ovu transformaciju trebalo mi je više od deset godina. 

Podijelila je svoju staru fotografiju na kojoj je imala prekomjernu težinu i nosila ružičastu haljinu te svoju sadašnju sliku na kojoj pozira u donjem rublju kako bi pokazala ovu nevjerojatno transformaciju.

Hannah je s gubitkom kilograma započela 2008. godine. Nakon što je izgubila više od 20 kilograma, prestala je brojati kalorije, a čim je otišla na godišnji odmor, odmah je vratila svu težinu.

– Tada sam konstantno bila na neodrživim, nezadovoljavajućim i nezdravim dijetama.  Bila sam jako nesretna gladujući i držeći se milijun pravila – objašnjava Hannah.


🌸 TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY 🌼 _ I keep jumping on the sad step & I don’t know why. I’ve been working my absolute backside off lately and those numbers didn't have the decency to congratulate me. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I DO IT BECAUSE I REALLY DONT CARE! The truth is, society is led by numbers, numbers monitor progress in so many difference areas of our lives! Body weight, food weight, clothes size, calories, steps, water intake, bank balance.. 📊 _ The thing is, I feel pretty great in myself so why isn't that enough? What am I looking for, more importantly.. What am I waiting for? Constantly comparing myself to all the beautiful fitspos who literally live to work out.. That is their career, their income their life! I have to remember that I work in a world that couldn't be more different than who I am on Instagram; its mentally draining, logistically far away & just a different world 🌈 _ I have a life full of SO many loves.. & finding the balance between real life and social media can be crazy but I love it, it can just be a bit like a pressure cooker sometimes and I don't ever want to disappoint anyone. Physically, I’m worlds away from being the girl I was on the left but mentally I'm still sensitive, I'm still conscious, I still care what people think. 🌍 _ Thank you all for always being nothing but supportive & sticking with me thru my dry spells. Despite what some may believe.. just because it isn’t plastered all over social media does not mean it isn’t happening. I'm eternally grateful for the love and appreciation I receive every day 💛 _ Before weight: 16st Current (maintenance) weight: 10st 5lbs Lowest weight: 9st 3lbs _ I weight train 5 x a week, HIIT or LISS 3-5 x a week! I wear an Apple Watch 24/7 & sync it with a Wahoo tracker chest strap whilst working out 🍎 _

Objavu dijeli @ hannah_tracks


MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY 🔮 _ These pictures are deceptive bc in the first one my smile would suggest I’m happy but I’m not.. I was just extremely good at hiding my feelings. I’d lost around a stone in weight @ Weight Watchers by that point.. I was on my way to town with my friends in a size 16 top that was meant to be a “loose fit” & the same/only pair of trousers that fitted me. The hair extensions & make up were meant to detract focus from the body I was so deeply ashamed of.. _ Fast forward 9/10 years & here I am & no, I may not smiling on the outside bc I was feeling sassy af but you name it & I’ve done it.. every plan, fad, diet, craze.. even weight watchers saw me lose 4 stone.. but did any thing really last? No. Every time I’ve eaten to lose weight.. I’ve ended up feeling disappointed, unhappy & unfulfilled. I’m at a place in my life right now where I don’t track (slight awkward considering my insta name 🙄!) I don’t count calories, I don’t count macros, I don’t use MyFitnessPal. Truth? I eat well.. really well.. I eat everything, fruit, veg, carbs (hella lotta carbs!) nuts, grains, sugar, salt, high calorie meals, low calorie meals, I eat whatever I want to eat & I train hard.. I bloody love the gym, I love feeling strong, I love my body & everything its been through.. the stretch marks, the cellulite, the skin that I’m in has been with me through everything & that gives me all the feels. My legs hold me up everyday & my body functions exactly how I want & need it to. Sorry but how fucking lucky am I to be able to say that? _ Please, stop putting time limits on everything “shredding for summer” “lose 10lbs in 10days” “one more stone then I’ll be happy” 🙉😣 breaks my heart. Look after your body & your body will look after you! Feed it, nurture it, be kind to it. Healthy body, healthy soul, happy mind ❤️ _ I have no idea if any of this has made sense but I’ve just allowed my thumbs to run away with me. I’m feeling reflective this evening & with that comes realisation & gratitude 🙏🏽 don’t ever feel like you’re alone bc you’re not.. my insta door is always open 🌸 we’re all in this together xxx

Objavu dijeli @ hannah_tracks

Na kraju je zavoljela vježbanje, ali se nakon teškog prekida sedmogodišnje veze isključivo koncentrirala na gubljenje težine i mršavljenje.

– Izgubila sam kontrolu nad svojim životom i jedino što sam mogla kontrolirati bilo je moje tijelo. Razvila sam poremećaj prehrane, bulimiju, jer bih cijeli dan ograničavala unos hrane, a čim bih nešto pojela, odmah bih to izbacila – napisala je.

Uz izbacivanje svega što bi pojela, Hannah bi dnevno uzimala 10 tableta laksativa. Tada je imala najmanje kilograma ikada, samo 58. Hannah je konačno potražila pomoć zbog svog poremećaja prehrane i prošla 18 mjeseci kognitivnih bihevioralnih terapija. Tijekom svojeg liječenja, prije četiri godine, odlučila je krenuti u teretanu i napokon je pronašla zdrav način održavanja težine. Ova zaljubljenica u fitness kaže da se tada zaljubila u treninge i zdravu prehranu koja je rezultirala apsolutnom preobrazbom cijelog njezina života. 


F L A S H B A C K ⚡️✨🌙 _ 👙 So today I got into swim wear & I won’t lie, I was a little nervous. Simply bc I can’t hide behind good angles, decent lighting & a filter or two (OK 3!) it wasn’t about anyone seeing me.. it was just about me being all out there like HEY! Literally no one cares but you just build yourself up into a mind boggle for no reason at all! _ 🌱 I might have cellulite on the front & back of my thighs. I might not be toned everywhere. I might struggle in this or that area but accepting that just empowers me! I have a baby belly & boobs with absolutely no children to show for them. I’m 30 this year & OK, I don’t look in the mirror and go, “oh, I look fantastic!” ofc I don’t. Nobody is perfect! I definitely have body issues, but everybody does & when you come to the realisation that seriously.. EVERYONE DOES.. even the people you consider flawless, then you can start to live with the way you are. _ 🧡 I’m not saying that I can just wish away the years of eating disorders but after 7 years recovery I am finally saying that what I see in the mirror doesn’t make me want to starve myself, vomit or punish my body into submission anymore. I know that I want to be healthier & stronger & I’m doing the right things to achieve this! _ 🌸 This is a message for anyone struggling, losing hope & empty of motivation.. If you want it, all you have to do is work hard for it; slow and steady by not giving up, not getting discouraged and not thinking that you don’t deserve the success. Your body isn’t “bad”, your body deserves TLC. You are worthy of love and you deserve happiness. What’s the point of all this misery, anyway? Who is it benefiting? The struggle with ones body and mind is self-inflicted. No one else thinks that the size of our bodies determines our worth. It’s us. _ 🌍 It’s begins & ends in your mind | what you give power to, has power over you | IF you allow it 💜

Objavu dijeli @ hannah_tracks

Hannah kaže da je nakon sedam godina oporavka od poremećaja prehrane konačno u stanju pogledati sebe u zrcalo bez poriva da se počne izgladnjivati ili povraćati.

– Sada jedem sve što želim jesti i konstantno treniram. Obožavam teretanu, volim se osjećati jako, volim svoje tijelo i sve što je prošlo – zaključila je Hannah. 


Komentara 1

19:17 20.06.2018.

kao da to ona nije bila hm.

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