Prosvjed u Napulju: Pirotehnikom i dimnim bombama napali zgradu regionalne vlade

Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
u 09:13
Policija je braneći sjedište regionalne vlade od prosvjednika upotrijebila suzavac
Pogledaj originalni članak

Stotine ljudi prosvjedovale su u Napulju do ranih jutarnjih sati u subotu protiv policijskog sata i planirane regionalne karantene zbog porasta broja zaraženih koronavirusom.

Prosvjednici su uzvikivali poruke ispred sjedišta regionalne vlade, uz pirotehnička sredstva i svjetleće dimne bombe, objavila je novinska agencija ANSA dodajući da je policija upotrijebila suzavac.

Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.
Foto: Salvatore Laporta/IPA/PIXSELL/IPA/PIXSELL
Hundreds of people clash against police during the protest over the curfew and the prospect of lockdown in Naples.

Predsjednik Kampanije Vincenzo De Luca objavio je u petak da će se regija zatvoriti zbog velikog porasta broja zaraženih. Kampanija je zabilježila 2280 dnevnih slučajeva, rekao je De Luca na događaju uživo prenošenom putem Facebooka, što je gotovo 50-postotno povećanje od 1541 registriranog slučaja u četvrtak.

"Nastavit ćemo s potpunim zatvaranjem", rekao je predloživši karantenu "na 30, 40 dana".

Regionalna uredba o provedbi mjera bit će donesena u subotu ili nedjelju, objavljuje ANSA navodeći izvore iz regionalne vlade.

Ubrzo nakon njegova obraćanja agencija civilne zaštite objavila je podatke o 19.143 nova slučaja zaraze koronavirusom u zemlji, što je dnevni rekord. Ukupno je zaraženo 484.869 ljudi.  U zemlji je umrla još 91 osoba te je ukupni broj umrlih od koronavirusa 37.059. Broj pacijenata na intenzivnoj skrbi porastao je na iznad 1000 prvi put u više od pet mjeseci.

Administracija premijera Giuseppea Contea dosad se odupirala pozivima na karantenu u zemlji obrazlažući da bi gospodarska i društvena cijena bila previsoka.


>> VEČERNJI TV Epidemiolog Branko Kolarić o rekordnim brojkama novozaraženih

Važnost prevencije

Karcinom gušterače jedno je od najzloćudnijih oboljenja probavnog trakta, no zašto mu se ne posvećuje dovoljno pažnje?

Specijalna bolnica Radiochirurgia Zagreb i „Rechts der Isar“, sveučilišna bolnica Tehničkog sveučilišta u Münchenu – jednog od najboljih fakulteta u Njemačkoj, potpisali su Ugovor o suradnji, što donosi novu eru u liječenju tumora te predstavlja suradnju koja se odnosi na korištenje naprednih tehnologija i vrhunske kirurgije u borbi protiv tumora, kao i dijeljenje znanja o najmodernijim medicinskim rješenjima za kirurško, radiokirurško i hibridno liječenje bolesti.

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Komentari 3

11:12 24.10.2020.

Stotine ljudi... cijeli Napulj je izašao na ulicu, staro i mlado uzvikujući LIBERTA!

Deleted user
16:31 24.10.2020.

Zašto brišete kometnare?????? Jer se na fotki vidi deseci tisuća a ne par stotina???????

19:58 24.10.2020.

..dimnim bombama napli _ Eto vidite da narod zna gdje i kada treba nositi maske.