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Foto: Instagram
u 13:10

Svojih više od milijun pratitelja na Instagramu oduševila je fotografijom koja prikazuje kako stvarno izgleda većinu vremena

Zvijezda društvenih mreža i fitness blogerica, Anna Victoria inspirirala je mlade djevojke i žene svojom novom online kampanjom. Naime, iako je mršava i često se ponosi svojim istreniranim tijelom, odlučila je pokazati drugu stranu fotografije. 

Svojih više od milijun pratitelja na Instagramu oduševila je fotografijom koja prikazuje kako stvarno izgleda većinu vremena. - Ovo samo je 1 posto vremena, a ovo sam ja ostalih 99 posto vremena - napisala je Anna, usporedivši dvije svoje fotografije. - Dobri ili loši kutevi slikanja ne mijenjaju vašu vrijednost - poručila je svim ženama.


U sličnom smjeru promocije zdravlja i stvarnog izgleda, krenule se i druge blogerice poput Gine jer, spominju, svatko je lijep na svoj način. Smatraju da je ova poruka vrlo važna, posebice mladim osobama, često osjetljivim i podložnim tuđim, izmišljenim idealima. 

Time se iznova dokazuje da društvene mreže većinu vremena ne prikazuju stvarnu sliku ljudi ili događaja, kako prenosi Mirror.


I was asked how I could be both body positive and focused on losing weight and that certainly is an interesting question 🤔 The line between what's "healthy" or "unhealthy" or "body positive" can be really hard to define. And I've realized what I think is healthy and body positive is definitely, like most things, based on individual beliefs and opinions. Maybe you agree with mine, maybe you don't. I think what's most important is that you follow what YOU believe is right for you. My journey has always been founded on 2 principles: health and happiness. Health for me is more than the losing weight aspect. Healthy is not to "look better" it's to be better, fitter, stronger both inside and out. It's more than just eating right and exercising. It's striving for cerebral expansion and mental sharpness. Its emotional intelligence. It's a healing heart. It's becoming in tune with your authentic soul and discovering your truth. It's a freezing, thawing, and growing of your entire being. Honoring, taking care of, and respecting your body is an entity to total wellbeing. Your body shelters and protects your soul, nurture it with the love it deserves. Happiness is more of the body positive side which is not about losing or gaining weight for me. You are not you because of your body. You are YOU because of how you act, think, and feel! I am NOT happier because I'm losing weight 🙅🏼 I am happier because I'm more content in WHO I am. Body positivity is an internal confidence for me. That doesn't mean I'm free of insecurities. It means I don't allow them to consume nor define me as much anymore. It's ok to love yourself AND be a work in progress at the same time!! I think you should continuously strive for self improvement in every capacity! I'm not always confident with what I look like and still have my down days, but when I redirect that negative attention and realize all the good things about WHO I am, that's where self love not only begins to grow, but flourishes 🌿✨💕

Fotografiju objavljuje Jess (@plankingforpizza)



Today in #selflovebootcamp is our day to talk about MOVEMENT! 💃💃💃💃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ Movement aka exercise is so important for our bodies! Endorphins (which act as natural painkillers btw), cardiovascular system, it destresses you, helps ya sleep better, been shown to improve life expectancy, increases alertness, helps fatigue, improves concentration etc (but notice how I didn't say it'll make you thinner?) Exercise/movement can be enjoyed in the following ways; ♡ Swimming ♡ Weight lifting ♡ Tai Chi ♡ Pilates ♡ Walking ♡ Yoga ♡ Sex (true) 😜 ♡ Gardening ♡ Running ♡ Hiking ♡ Dancing ♡ Cycling ♡ Rollerblading ♡ Kickboxing ♡ Team sports OKAY, so ya get it 💞✨ Find what works for you and have FUN with it! Through some of these different types of movement and exercises I find peace with my body, I'm grateful for how it moves and how I feel afterwards. 👏 IF YOU DONT ENJOY A CERTAIN EXERCISE 👏 STOP 👏 FIND SOMETHING YOU LOVE 👏 When I did JUST one type of regimented exercise I personally lost interest about 6 months in. So now instead of JUST doing yoga or JUST doing weight training, I do yoga, Pilates, dancing, weight training, kick boxing and running. Exercise is soooo enjoyable for me now because I look forward to feeling a oneness with my body. It is peaceful. Loving yourself means finding the types of movement that puts your head into a loving state. It doesn't mean forcing yourself to go through with something you legitimately hate. 👉 I also used to punish myself with exercise. I would go to the gym and force myself to do HIIT or plyo until almost passing out or puking because I would actually tell myself "that's what you get if you don't lose the right amount of weight" which is TERRIBLE. It's 100% self harm, it hurt my body to push myself like that and to treat it like that. I never want movement to be a punishment, ever again. 👈 Tuesday vibes; 🌸 Love the way you move. However you choose. #selflovejourney #bekindtoyourself #adoreyourbody

Fotografiju objavljuje Kenzie Brenna (@omgkenzieee)


>> Možete li prepoznati koja je na fotografiji - majka?

Komentara 1

18:12 18.01.2017.

o my god

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