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INTERVIEW Al-Assad: If Europe wants to protect itself at this stage, it should first stop supporting terrorists in Syria

Komentari 11

17:25 06.04.2017.

Gospodin Hassan Haidar Diab, hvala vam za vas izuzetno odlican intervju !

Avatar lvan12
21:40 06.04.2017.

God bless you president Assad! Our prays are with your people.

01:51 10.04.2017.

Compliments to Hassan for conducting a brilliant interview and on asking relevant questions. This is one of the best interviews ever any politician has given in the last 10 years. Assad is the man of honour, knowledge and is dedicated his life and his Presidency to the truth for which he is obviously ready to die in the struggle for the freedom of his people and for the truth about the Western total submission to the Zionist agenda in that region. He is right that the these terorists, under various names, are nothing else but a proxy army of the West fighting not for an islamic state, but in the end for the establishment of the Greater Israel. Let us see again what Assad said about the terorist, whose army they are and who they are fighting for: " can assume in any case that these terrorists are fighting for Israel. Even if they are not a regular Israeli army, they are still fighting for Israel. And Israel shares the objectives with Turkey, the United States, France, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other states. They all share the same objective. It is a war that has taken a new form and uses new instruments. Practically, our victory over the terrorists is a victory over all those states put together. That’s why Israel is doing its best to support these terrorists in every place the Syrian Army advances. They attack in one way or another in order to provide support to the terrorists and in order to stall the momentum of the Syrian Arab Army in facing them." The satanic enterprise, that has gripped the West by throat, cannot stand the upright and good statesmen like Assad and this is why he "has to go" according to their wishes. Country by country are destroyed in the Arab world, then comes Eastern Europe, North Korea, Western Erurope and the rest of the World - all to be destroyed according to the plan of the world's SOS in order that the zionist masters may inherit and own the whole of the Earth.

Avatar poljicanin
17:20 06.04.2017.

Da li će ubuduće sve vijesti ovdje biti na engleskom?VL i kompanija,sram vas bilo!

03:27 07.04.2017.

Na stranicama VL je nepopularno dirati bilo sto gdje je "svemocni" Putin involviran. Asad, i mlogi drugi krvavi dictatori su branjeni od strane uvjek budne i prisutne bratije ovdje na VL. Sve od Edi Amina pa dalje su po ovima branioci suvereniteta i volje njihovih naroda. Dictatori najvise pominju volju naroda.

Avatar mason
19:11 06.04.2017.

Odgovor na pitanje 16 je ovo:Amerikanci nisu culi za poslovicu bacaj bisere pred svinje.Ameri su donijeli prosperitet u sve zemlje osim u arapske.Problem je sto Arapi nisu zapadni Njemci ili juzni Korejanci.

Avatar mason
17:53 06.04.2017.

Assad:in general terms ,the American policy is based on creating chaos.Kad ce vise referendum u Hrvatskoj. Molim vas vise odlucite se ili cete biti zapad ili istok. Ako necete sa zapadom imate Beograd pa pravite region i slusajte Moskvu.

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