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Tigrasti komarci, koji prenose virus Zika, aktivni su i kod nas

U Brazilu vojska uništava legla komaraca, a zmlje Južne Amerike traže izmjene zakona o zabrani pobačaja

Komentari 15

11:28 03.02.2016.

Bili su kod mene ti tigrasti, sve dok nisam stavio mrežu na prozor. Tako su veliki da su istrijebili one obične 'domaće' komarce.

Deleted user
12:03 03.02.2016.

Htio bih upozoriti naše Hrvatske političare posebno našeg premijera koji zna puno toga što sve rade te velike privatne farmaceutske kompanije da ojača naš imunološki zavod kao prave strateške državne institucije u zaštiti svoga naroda a ne da budemo izloženi stranim neprovjerenim cjepivima koji služe samo za njihovu zaradu a ispunjavaju plan moćnika da smanje broj ljudi na planeti.

11:44 03.02.2016.

sad ce naši politicari i zeleni brzo u borbu protiv komaraca, tam negdje u 10 mj, špricanjem krošnji drveca s ceste u centru grada.....

Avatar Pavel ic
Pavel ic
11:23 03.02.2016.

to je posljedica nezaprasivanja komaraca.ljudska rasa i liberalna politika je postala opasnost za covjecanstvo.mucimo sebe da bi naprimjer ugodili komarcima

Deleted user
11:46 03.02.2016.

Opet se netko igrao po labu. Nije dosta odraslih sa smrtnim bolestima na red su došle i same bebe.

Blade Runner
15:48 03.02.2016.

2012... Scientists in Brazil say an experiment to reduce populations of the dengue-carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito, by releasing millions of genetically modified (GM) insects into the wild, is working. More than ten million modified male mosquitoes were released in thethe city of Juazeiro, a city of 288,000 people, over a period of time starting a year ago. The results were released at a workshop in Rio last week (28–29 March), where the project's co-ordinator, Aldo Malavasi, said they were "very positive". "From samples collected in the field, 85 per cent of the eggs were transgenic, which means that the males released are overriding the wild population. This [should result] in the decrease of Aedes mosquitoes, and in the decrease of dengue transmission," he told SciDev.Net. Malavasi is also the president of Moscamed — the Brazilian firm that produced the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes, which carry a gene which causes their offspring to die before reaching adulthood, were originally developed by the British firm Oxitec. Related stories Brazilian researchers protest budget cuts Innovation is 'imperative,' says Brazil science minister Modified mosquitoes set to quash dengue fever More related stories They have already been tested in Malaysia and the Cayman Islands, but this is believed to be the largest experiment in the wild to date. "We developed technology to efficiently create the transgenic insects here [in Brazil], so we won't need to buy them from England in the future, reducing costs," Malavasi said. The method has been approved by the Brazilian National Biosafety Technical Committee, and will be used in other Brazilian cities. Ultimately, it is hoped the GM mosquitoes will lead to the eradication of dengue in areas where insect translocation is low, and substantially reduced elsewhere.

Blade Runner
15:55 03.02.2016.

Ili, rijecima laika, WHO je poticala i dozvolila masovno cijepljenje trudnica cjepivom za koje sam proizvodjac navodi da moguce ima teratogena svojstva i da se ne preporucuje u trudnoci. I sad se vade ovom nevidjenom suludo kampanjom zastrasivanja. Jer, zamisliteite da se utvrdi da su deformiteti, smrti i pobacaji uzrokovani odlukom Ministarstva uz podrsku WHO. Milijuni (milijarde) u odstetama tim obiteljima.

Blade Runner
15:51 03.02.2016.

By the end of 2014, following the October report from the CVE, the Brazilian Ministry of Health announced the introduction of the Tdap vaccine for all pregnant women in the country,3 and the Brazilian National Immunization Program (NIP) had begun the vaccinations.2 (In 2011, with little evidence proving safety, the CDC instituted a similar universal use Tdap vaccine policy for all pregnant women in the U.S. in an attempt to control pertussis infections)4 The policy change to vaccinating pregnant women with Tdap to try to control pertussis infections in Brazil had been expected for many months. Earlier in 2014, at a meeting of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE), the group had written in a background paper… [Brazil] will recommend Tdap in the routine immunization programme for pregnant women from 2014 onward.5 . The CVE report recommended the Tdap vaccine be given to women between the 27th week and 36th week of their pregnancy, and that it could also be administered up to 20 days prior to the expected date of birth.1 The report specified the Tdap produced by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) of the United Kingdom as the one to be used. GSK has a technology transfer agreement with Brazil’s Butantan Institute for the production of the Tdap vaccine6 in Brazil../.. According to GSK, neither the safety nor effectiveness of Boostrix have been established in pregnant women.8 The package insert for Boostrix reads: A developmental toxicity study has been performed in female rats at a dose approximately 40 times the human dose (on a mL/kg basis) and revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus due to BOOSTRIX. Animal fertility studies have not been conducted with BOOSTRIX. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, BOOSTRIX should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.9 Despite this cautionary information, the Brazilian government has been vaccinating tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of pregnant women in its country during the past year. A large portion of these pregnancies are occurring in Brazil’s northeastern region, notably in the state of Pernambuco—the country’s fastest growing population center.

Avatar Čitatelj300
11:29 03.02.2016.

Ajmo gdje su sad zeleni da prosvjeduju. Kod nas gdje god se nešto gradi eto ti njih da sabotiraju!!!

Avatar plejer_as
11:29 03.02.2016.

za žabe sam siguran da su prirodni neprijatelji ličinki komaraca. Ostalo treba proučit a do tad razmnožit punoglavce po Bandićevim fontanama

Avatar bosanac1951
11:38 03.02.2016.

Neznaju ti komarci da su došli u grad gdje stoluje Bandić...Valjda još nisu čuli za njega.

Deleted user
15:15 03.02.2016.

to je proizvod isilovaca vama smijesno nosit cete po najvecoj vrucini dimije i feredje i to u cijeloj evropi ako cete htjeti prezivet najvise ce biti pogodjene mocvare tj evropa a afrika i azija ne toliko da se zna

Deleted user
11:51 03.02.2016.

Ja mislim da su onda fontane puno veći problem od mog lavora na dvorištu.

Avatar majmunranko
11:22 03.02.2016.

Maras ima 50% simptoma, dakle mijran je po tom pitanju.

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